School News :: School of Sport Science

School News

  • 23 - Dec
  • 2023

Doping Testing Companions Course


Believing in the role of colleges and by the directives of His Excellency Professor Dr. President of the University, the College of Sports Sciences, in partnership with the College of Medicine and Health Colleges and in cooperation with the Jordanian Anti-Doping Organization, held the “Doping Testing Attendants" course, which qualifies them to work in the service of Jordanian sports and benefit from their knowledge in the field of combating the scourge of doping and Limit its spread.

This course was very well received by the students, and it strengthens these participatory programs among the students of the colleges at the university in terms of working together in one crucible as a work team representing all the colleges of the university. In a way that serves Jordanian sports, they will be assigned in the future the tasks of conducting doping tests for athletes. Also, this program, and after the continuity of the students' continued access to many subsequent courses, will be able to participate and represent Jordan in international sports forums at the level of the Olympic, international and continental committees as well as International, continental and regional federations.